

Rosanne Cash claims her country heritage!

This Iowa City singer has it in her genes to be the queen of country music. Though she started her career with pop music , she finally heard her calling some twenty years later her advent into the music industry and has whole heartedly embraced country music.

The prolific singer and daughter of the legendary musician Johnny Cash was in Iowa to perform in the Hancher concert on February 11,2010 at Englert Theatre and it will not be an exaggeration to say that she won all the hearts and was declared the undisputed queen of country music.

Her performance included 100minutes of hits from her father’s collection as well as her latest release “List” which contains 100 essential country songs that have been taught to her by her father.

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The entire charm of the concert lay in the way she went about rendering the classical country songs in her own style by changing the tempo and rhythm here and there without damaging the musical appeal of the songs. She was accompanied by a five member band including her husband John Leventhal on guitar and sung such precious melodies as “She’s Got You”, “Miss the Mississippi and You” and “500 miles”.

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Initially she appeared to be a rather reserved but it took little time for her to come out of her façade and interact , joke and have fun with the audience. She has a commendable wit and sense of humor and the people of Iowa city are completely in love with her.

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